Practical tips & playful explorations of the design world

Practical tips and playful explorations of the design world

The Artful Designer Blog

The Artful Designer Blog

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brand & website designer,
FOUNDER of citrine co

Meet Magdalena

A passionate brand expert with over 20 years of branding, graphic design and marketing experience. Plus she holds a BA degree in Art and Art History, and a Diploma in Media and Graphic Design. Combined with years of agency, freelancing and entrepreneurship proficiency. When away from the iMac, you can find her enjoying nature walks with her doodle, reading books on healing and growth, or juicing some type of greens in the kitchen. Currently binging The Crown and trying to learn a third language in her spare time. 

A passionate brand expert with over 20 years of branding, graphic design and marketing experience. Plus she holds a BA degree in Art and Art History, and a Diploma in Media and Graphic Design. Combined with years of agency, freelancing and entrepreneurship proficiency. When away from the iMac, you can find her enjoying nature walks with her doodle, reading books on healing and growth, or juicing some type of greens in the kitchen. Currently binging The Crown and trying to learn a third language in her spare time. 

DAUGHTER OF an artist & spa owner,
salad snob & save the bees ADVOCATE

“The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.”

- Albert Einstein

Meet Magdalena Maie,
founder of Citrine Co